Holistic Kinesiology
In reference to holistic kinesiology, we must say that the word “HOLOS” comes from the Greek and that it means EVERYTHING.
That is, the organism appears to be the sum of its parts, but it is much more than all that. Therapy must be based on the integration of the parts. This HOLISTIC vision is based on an integral concept, which sees the organism as a unit of body, soul and spirit.
In other countries the KH is also called PHYSIOENERGETIK which combines the concepts of Physio (nature) and energetik (science of energy)
Based on this holistic vision, Holistic Kinesiology works with biochemical, structural, vascular, lymphatic, nervous and emotional mechanisms, both in diagnosis and in treatment.
The test methods are, on the one hand, the different muscle tests according to Dr. Goodheart and the Arm Reflex or AR according to Van Assche, both Biofeed-back systems of the body.
The treatment of the energy body is nothing new, for millennia the oriental wisdom explained that each function of an organ (lung, heart etc.) has a basic energy, information and a specific frequency.
Complementary Medicine
Many representatives of complementary medicine believe that health is not the absence of illness, but a balance of internal or external forces working together. If there is an imbalance between the body, mind and environment, this manifests itself in illness. Complementary medicine therapy consists in particular of strengthening the (self-)healing forces. Patients are given an active role in the recovery of their own health.
A holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment is central to most complementary medicine methods. What is considered holistic is different. This may mean that the psychological aspects of a disease are included in addition to the physical aspects. In addition, social problems can also be taken into account. Spirituality as part of a holistic view of health also often plays a role. Another aspect of complementary medicine thinking is health maintenance.
However, in principle, these approaches are not a characteristic feature of complementary medicine, as these aspects are also of essential importance for successful treatment in conventional medicine.
Family Constellations
All disease reflects the disorder of an order. Every time we exclude something from consciousness, we lose the balance of the forces of the soul because we incur a lack. The symptom denounces a fault, has a purpose and meaning and establishes a new balance. Bert Hellinger investigated in his work with “family constellations” the dynamics that lead to serious illness and tragic implications in the family and the family network from one generation to the next. These dynamics are unconscious.
Mediumistic Constellations
The Mediumistic Constellations are an expansion of the classic family constellations, in which the mediumistic faculties are added for greater precision in the recognition of family problems.
Normally the sessions of Mediunic Constellations are done individually to preserve the privacy of the patient.
“It hurts my soul”
An emotional description used by every nationality and religion:
It is precisely this pain that we can work on together.
Guiding people beyond the future to see if something in the past or of the present must be corrected.
Trauma Release Technique
Faced with an emotional situation, we may find ourselves in the case of a traumatic situation, from which the patient cannot get out, that is, he actively maintains the traumatic situation in a part of himself … even if the days or years have passed. (For example, a trauma experienced at the age of 5 makes a part of us continue to be 5 years old even though we are currently 32 years old)
We do not realize that when naming the situation, the person generally immediately starts to cry or becomes very restless with states of anxiety, fear, etc., as if he were living the situation again at the moment.
With the TRT technique we can release the traumas of the past so that the person frees himself and that small part of himself, which was trapped, can grow to the current age.
EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a psychotherapeutic approach for the treatment of emotional difficulties caused by difficult experiences in the subject’s life, from phobias, panic attacks, traumatic death and grief or traumatic incidents in childhood to accidents and disasters. natural. EMDR is also used to alleviate public speaking anxiety and / or phobia, to improve performance at work, in sports, and in artistic performances.
EMDR as a method combines theoretical-clinical elements of orientations such as psychoanalysis, cognitive-behavioral and others. For many patients EMDR is more helpful for their problems than other conventional therapies. In 1987, Francine Shapiro, an American psychologist, discovered that voluntary eye movements reduced the intensity of the anguish of negative thoughts. She initiated an investigation (Shapiro, 1989) with subjects traumatized in the Vietnam War and victims of sexual abuse to measure the effectiveness of EMDR. EMDR significantly reduced the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in these subjects.
Trapped emotions block your feelings.
Releasing trapped emotions can help you free yourself from physical and / or psychosomatic pain.